Common Mistakes Nearly Every Prepper Will Make (If They Admit It!)

After years of prepping, I’ve been reflecting on what I would do differently if I were starting to prep right now. I’ll bet some of my mistakes are pretty common among all preppers and survival-minded people. These are some of the mistakes I made. Do any of these sound familiar?

1)  I read too much Survival Blog when I should have watched more how-to videos on YouTube.

Survival Blog gave me a big kick in the pants for getting started in preparedness, but it also sucked my wife and I into near-panic attacks and bouts of despair. One day I came home from work to find her at my desk, still in pajamas, hypnotically reading article after article on Survival Blog. Doom and gloom articles had her frozen with fear, and although that blog and others like it motivated us, they also didn’t encourage us to learn more skills. It was all about stocking up and being afraid.

YouTube is filled with massive amounts of great information but in smaller doses and often accompanied by a friendly face and voice. I would have learned more about waxing cheese, bushcraft skills, primitive water filters, and stocking up on veterinary antibiotics, all of which would have been more practical than reading tips for buying property safe from rifle fire.

James Rawles is one of my prepper heroes, but for a beginner, YouTube videos would have been more helpful and encouraging. Just one of many prepper mistakes I made early on.

2) I should have bought less crap and more high-quality products.

Preparedness is best done in this order: awareness, education, and then action. In our initial panic, we steered clear of education and jumped right into the action phase. That’s my style, I guess. Early on I bought a lot of cheap “survival” products that were recently sent to a thrift store as a donation. My wife was quite the couponer and because she had a stack of “awesome” coupons, she bought bottles and bottles of salad dressing we never used. After a year or two, they turned all sorts of weird colors and she threw them out. I didn’t argue with her.

I’ve since figured out that buying the best quality we can afford is smart, even if we have to wait until we have the money. A high-quality pair of walking shoes could make the difference between life and death someday. We want tools, supplies, and even food that is meant to last for the long haul, not bargain basement specials that are cheaply produced and quickly fall apart.

3) I wish I had spent less money early on

I imagine that most preppers start off in a panic mode and begin amassing enormous quantities of stuff, just for the sake of having stuff. However, I have learned that doing a fair amount of research first is the smartest way to go.

We didn’t know much about food storage conditions, for example, when we first began buying extra food and soon found ourselves with packets and boxes of potato flakes infested with tiny black bugs.

See also  How To Prepare For Hyperinflation

4) We should have networked with others sooner

It’s always hard feeling as though you’re the, “only one”. The, “only one,” with a certain health condition or the, “only one,” going through a personal crisis. Feeling as though you’re the only prepper in town is just as hard. You feel isolated, a little paranoid, and yet there’s a deep need to talk with others who are on the same wavelength, but everyone you know isn’t a prepper for any number of reasons.

I felt very alone, year after year. A couple of fledgling prepper MeetUp groups began around that same time, but I didn’t take advantage of their meetings, and I should have. Joining in on forum discussions is a good option but it can’t take the place of face to face conversations. It would have helped me identify more quickly what my priorities should have been, and it would have been comforting to know that I wasn’t the, “only one.” Preppers University live classes offer one of the best ways to network with others who have the same survival perspective and get an education at the same time.

5) I should have kept my mouth shut around family and close friends

To this day, no one in my family or my husband’s family is on board with preparedness. In short, I could have saved myself a lot of awkward explanations and times of feeling defensive if I would have stayed quiet.

Eventually, preppers “self-identify” when they’re around people they know and trust. They are suddenly familiar with names like Gerald Celente and Alex Jones. City-dwellers develop an odd interest in raising chickens and turning their backyard pools into tilapia ponds. It’s not hard to figure out who’s prepping if you pay attention, and keep your mouth shut until you’re pretty darn sure they’re on the same page as you.

6) And, we should have focused on financial survival first instead of third, or fourth

In the beginning I felt a mad rush of urgency to buy, to stock up, to preserve, to read. I wish I had felt that same urgency when it came to money. I should have doubled down on paying off debt, saving money, learning about and buying precious metals. We did these things eventually, but it would have made life easier if we had taken financial survival a little more seriously from the get-go.

As an experienced prepper, I now realize the importance of financial prepping. In fact, you could almost say that it sets the stage for all other prepping steps but it’s overlooked by most prepper writers and websites, and that’s a shame. From finding ways to earn extra money to creative ways for cutting back on expenses, it’s possible for just about anyone to come up with enough extra dollars each month to afford a good first aid kit, freeze-dried food, a Sun Oven, and many other helpful products. I’m also a big fan of having extra cash on hand for emergencies.

Looking back, what prepper mistakes did you make?

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10 thoughts on “Common Mistakes Nearly Every Prepper Will Make (If They Admit It!)”

  1. Holy truth… Food goes real fast. Life without electricity is more of a change than most imagine. Showering and hygiene become overwhelming without hot running water. Yup most won’t make it… Love your stuff

  2. I talk to SO many people that just don’t get it, especially when it comes to water. Very few people are water-prepared. The “experts” say 1 gallon per person per day. Currently the average American uses 75 gallons per day. Realistically you’ll need somewhere between 10 and 20 gallons MINIMUM until you train yourself to use water more efficiently.

  3. In my humble opinion #5 has done more irreparable, long lasting, life threatening harm to more preppers than all the other mistakes we made combined. thanks

  4. Water. Everyone forgets water. Relevant to the comment about being in a rush to stock up, I finally had 6-8 months worth of long term food storage in the house and rested on my laurels. Then: How do I cook all this rice, beans, etc when the SHTF and there’s no electricity to run my well? Same goes for public water, somewhere in that chain will be a pump and purification system. I now have a backup generator and a hand pump along with 5 gallon carry containers in case of an EMP.

  5. #4 was kind of hard to avoid. Getting into preparedness AFTER the persona of “prepper” had a negative connotation, meant being embarrassed to talk about it. So, felt very isolated.

    #5 can be tricky. Per #4, I really didn’t think I spoke about prepping efforts hardly at all. Yet, an old friend (and the eternal optimist) asked one day, “So, do you still think the economy is going to collapse?” I was taken aback. I had not thought I mentioned anything along those lines. Perhaps he read between the lines. I was more obvious than I thought.

    — Mic

  6. Thank you for the list of items many of us haven’t even thought about. It does feel difficult to meet other like-minded folks in my area, everyone knows some ‘crazy guy hoarding food in his basement,’ but there is no real prepper network in Bellingham, WA.

    I see lots of rain barrels around, and agree that water is the #1 survival item. I will be following your blog for more tips, thanks!

  7. The dumbest thing I see are people Romanticizing what it will be like after it all goes bad. Whatever that thing is that happens, no matter how prepared you are for that thing. After it happens life is going to SUCK….BAD…..REALLY BAD! So please prepare, prepare a lot, be ready as best you can then hope,pray, wish and beg that it never happens (although it probably will)

  8. I see people buying gas masks and Geiger counters, and I have to laugh. I did buy a bunch of backpacks and loaded them up in case we have to “hike out”. Then I discovered that no one in my house can carry those loads. Now I’m all about food and water storage and having a few totes ready in case we have to evacuate because of tornados or wildfires.

  9. Learn a bit about essential oils and natural medical remedies. That bottle of pain reliever or antibiotic will be gone before you know it. Then what will you do?

  10. We started prepping in 2012 when we lived in Mount Vernon, WA We’ve been in Idaho for 4 1/2 years now, used up most older supplies and have built back up. Water is absolutely #1. Don’t neglect farm stores. I bought equine penicillin, 20 gage needles and you can get syringes there as well. Also thrift stores are a treasure trove for crutches, splint boots, white flannel sheets to tear up for bandages, and so on. Amoxicillin for fish is the same thing people take, though doses will differ. Buy a red tote or bag for medical stuff so it’s easily seen. Anyway have fun.

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