Here is an informative article that was sent to me on the subject of Aquaponics.
Food preparedness is a major consideration for any serious prepper. Canned beans will run out eventually and your ability to stomach them might give out before the supply. Sooner or later you will need fresh produce and animal protein. In order to guarantee your security, you need to control your food supply. This is where Aquaponics steps in.
What is Aquaponics and why does it matter for preparedness?
Aquaponics is in essence, two somewhat complex food-production techniques, combined to create a sum that is greater and less complex than their parts. The techniques are hydroponics, or growing plants in water and aquaculture, or raising fish in captivity. Aquaponics is a nearly closed-loop system in which fish food is eaten by fish, the fish waste is converted into plant food by worms and bacteria, plants use the readily available nutrients to grow and in-turn filter the water, which returns to the fish to provide a healthy living environment. The end product is a low-maintenance, enclosed system that can produce enough food for a person, family or town.

Why haven’t I heard of this before?
Aquaponics only recently gained mainstream media attention and popularity in North America, although the concepts have been around for thousands of years. The core drivers of this increased attention are the popularity of urban gardening and organic produce purchasing. Entrepreneurial farmers are creating urban farms all over North America that sell fresh fish and produce to local restaurants, groceries and markets. Beyond that, business, schools and universities are beginning to use Aquaponic systems as teaching tools and tens of thousands of families are raising food for their personal use in their own home systems. Even with all of this new-found interest, Aquaponics is still just getting started.
What makes Aquaponics ideal for food preparedness?
Self-sustaining food supply:
Fish food is the main input you will need to supply for potentially decades of self-sustaining food fresh food production in a Aquaponics system. Fish can be fed many things and conventional aquaculture feed can potentially be stored for a couple years. If your system is appropriately sized and maintained, it could provide for the majority of your dietary requirements.
Many of our customers have built their Aquaponic farms in their basements. If electricity is available for grow lights, Aquaponics gardens thrive indoors. If outdoor space is available or electricity is an issues, Aquaponics systems will do great outdoors as well.
With a bit of planning or by purchasing the right system, Aquaponics systems are infinitely scalable. This means that you could maintain only a small working system but store materials to expand the system to 10+ times its current capacity in a SHTF scenario. Our AquaBundance Modular Aquaponics Systems are a good example of this scalability. The systems start with one medium fish tank and two grow-beds, but can easily be expanded to include 8+ grow beds, raft beds and one very large fish tank with the addition of just a handful of parts.
How can I get started or learn more?
You’ve come to the right place! Here are easy entry points based on level of interest and ‘learning style’:
“I don’t want to hear any more about. Just let me order a system already!”
Great! We carry a variety of ready-to-go systems, but our Modular lines are ideal for prepping, where production-potential and future scalability are key. Everything you need to get started is right here: Modular Aquaponics Systems
“Whoa whoa whoa… I have a LOT of questions and need to research this for a few days/months/years before making a move.”
No problem, whether you buy a system or make your own, here are a bunch of great free resources:
Our free information-only
Our forum/community site (the largest in North America) for Aquaponic Gardening (there will be preppers here..) The Aquaponic Gardening Community
Our Aquaponic Gardening YouTube channel with over 100 videos to keep you busy: Aquaponics on YouTube
“This all sounds a bit more complex than I am ready for, do you teach a workshop?”
Why yes we do. Three as a matter of fact. We teach both one-day and intensive, weekend-long aquaponics classes at our Aquaponic Learning Center in Colorado. Spaces are limited for each class and the fill up pretty early. Look at the schedule and reserve a space here:
If you like a good festival/conference/symposium – we are hosting the first annual Aquaponics Fest in Colorado this August. There will be dozens of speakers, demos, contests, booths, lots of great food and more. Learn more and grab tickets here: