In 1972, Col. Jeff Cooper published his book “Principals Of Personal Defense.” One of his main contentions was that carrying a weapon was only a minor part of defending oneself and personal safety.

The more critical factor was the willingness to use the weapon. Cooper’s Situational Awareness Color Code, often written as “Coopers Color Code,” can be part of that preparation.
What Is The Intent of The Jeff Cooper Code?
Cooper developed the code to help condition individuals who may have to use their weapons for self-defense. It is essentially an IF-THEN logic sequence that guides a person from a relaxed state to a combat state.
By following the sequence, a person can logically justify firing their weapon in self-defense.
Who Can Utilize The Jeff Cooper Color Code?
Cooper initially created the Cooper color code for military and police forces. Military organizations and police forces use Cooper’s color code for training purposes.
However, it is also a valuable tool for private individuals who are concerned about self-defense and feel a need to be prepared to defend themselves.
How Does Cooper’s Color Code Apply To Off-Grid Living?
You can apply situational awareness to living in remote, self-sustained conditions. Nature can be as deadly as a thug with a gun. A lethal confrontation with another is not the only potential threat.
When living off-grid, one must be vigilant and aware of their surroundings. You must conduct yourself in a relaxed but alert manner. You can utilize the Cooper color code as a primary tool for self-defense.
An unprepared individual can fall prey to a predator in the wild. Individuals who live off-grid can employ the code to protect themselves and their families.
What Is Cooper’s Color Code?
Cooper’s code defines four states of mind and is often referenced in the self-defense community. An individual can assess their state of readiness using the definitions of the color code.
Several versions of the code have been developed over the years.
Basic Color Code:
Code White = Relaxed and Unprepared.
Code Yellow = Relaxed but alert.
Code Orange = Specific alert.
Code Red = Ready to fight.
What Does Each Condition Mean?
The code is not a step-by-step program to lead a person to fire their weapon. It is a graphic representation of the mindset as the danger becomes apparent and the individual assesses what is happening. In most cases, nothing is happening.
So, how does one progress from nothing happening to a need to fire their weapon? That is what the code defines.
Most people exist in a relaxed and unprepared mental condition. Routine and familiarity lull them into a state of calm. They do the same things every day. They see the same people. Security is the condition human nature strives to achieve.
Everyone wants to be safe and comfortable. Being clueless is fine until something goes wrong. People get killed in this state of awareness.
Being aware of your surroundings at all times is conducive to a long life. It enables you to recognize potential hazards before they strike. Be alert to conditions in the environment. Take note of alternate routes in the event something unexpected happens.
Condition yellow is where you can avoid many situations that can become hazardous. If you are walking in a large urban area or clearing brush around your off-grid cabin, being aware of potential danger can help you avoid it.
Something is not right. There is a potential hazard there. A specific detail has drawn your attention. You are at an alert status. This is how you feel under condition orange.
You focus on the possible threat without losing sight of your general surroundings. As you assess the situation, you formulate potential scenarios. If “X” happens, I will do “Y.”
In this stage of readiness, avoidance is still your best option. Use one of the alternate routes you noted previously to circumvent the trouble.
Upon further investigation, it may become apparent that the threat was not there. If you imagined the threat or avoided it, you can return to a more relaxed but alert mental state.
If the threat was real and you could not avoid it, you may have to fight. The “X” you set earlier is happening, and “Y” may now occur. This stage is when you draw a weapon and prepare to fire. You may not need to fire, but you are prepared to do so.
How Long Does The Process Take?
In reality, you will not think of Cooper’s color code. With practice, the process becomes ongoing and continual. When you enter an environment, your mind must be performing a careful assessment for self-defense.
You watch traffic. You observe people. You notice a rock formation with crevasses large enough to shelter a bear. Your mind will jump from Yellow to Orange and back without conscious thought. You will automatically do “Y” when “X” occurs.
In Closing
Col. Jeff Cooper developed his Color Code of Situational Awareness for individuals whose careers depend on constant vigilance. The world has changed, and many feel that everyone must remain aware and ready to defend themselves.
Whether in an urban setting or the wilderness, Cooper’s Code is an excellent tool to help develop the skill of continual alertness, keeping your primary focus on potentially dangerous situations for self-defense.
Being aware and prepared to act with a mental trigger is the first step in self-preservation.
The last time I was at Code White was when I was in High School and that’s almost 40 years ago. 99.8% of the time I’m at Yellow. I’ve gone to Orange more than a couple of times. When you’re a guy at 4′ 9″, you’re an “easy looking” target. Looks can be deceiving.