Information on the Shelf Life of Crisco

This information is from the website of the manufacturers of Crisco

How long can I keep Crisco products on my shelf?

The shelf life of a shortening or oil product depends a great deal on how it has been stored and handled. For the best results, Crisco products should be stored in a cool, dry place away from strong odors, direct sunlight, and sources of heat (stoves, dishwashers, and refrigerators)

Crisco Products Shelf Life & Manufacture Code Locations
Shortening Can Shortening Sticks Crisco Oil Crisco Spray
Unopened 2 years from manufacture date 2 years from manufacture date 2 years from manufacture date 2 years
Opened about 1 year about 6 months about 1 year 2 years
Code Location bottom of can side of plastic tub side of bottle back label bottom of can

Freshness Tip: To help keep track of how long a container’s been opened, you might write the date on the package when you first break the seal. If you notice any change in color or appearance, or if your Crisco product develops an off odor or taste, it’s probably past its shelf life and shouldn’t be used.

What exactly is a manufacturing code, and how do I read it?

  • The manufacturing code is the date the product was made. It might look something like this: 4 122 420 0321.
  • The first number represents the year it was made. For instance, the 4 in our example code means it was made in 2004. A number 3 would mean it was made in 2003, 2 in 2002, and so on.
  • The next three numbers represent the day of the year the product was made. In our example, the 122 (or one hundred and twenty second day) is May 2 (May 1 during Leap Year).
  • The third set of numbers or letters are plant codes, which have nothing to do with the date.
  • Finally, the last four digits represent the time displayed in military time.
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What exactly is a “Best If Used By” date, and how do I read it?

A “Best If Used By” date code may appear on your product. This future date from the original date of manufacture represents the day that the product is guaranteed fresh. It might look something like this: APR 04 2007. The date code represents the month, date, and year.

Do I need to refrigerate Crisco shortening?

We suggest storing Crisco shortening on the pantry shelf. If you live in a warm climate and prefer to refrigerate shortening and oil, keep in mind that refrigeration causes shortening to be more firm and oils to be thicker and look somewhat cloudy. Allowing the products to return to room temperature will bring their appearance back to normal and give you the best performance.

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8 thoughts on “Information on the Shelf Life of Crisco”

  1. Once I open my Crisco shortening and use it do I need to refrigerate the used oil or can I just put it on a shelf for awhile?


  2. I just opened a new can that must have been stored in a hot warehouse. The crisco looks like it has been melted. Is it still ok to use?

  3. While cleaning my mother’s pantry I found Crisco sticks in an unopened pkg. The code is 2180420 13:29 D.

    What date does that equate to and is it still safe to use.
    Thank you.

  4. This is from the Crisco website:
    “The first number represents the year it was made. For instance, the 4 in our example code means it was made in 2004. A number 3 would mean it was made in 2003, 2 in 2002, and so on.”

    This Crisco would have been produced and packaged in 2002, according to this information. Does that sound about right? If so, the Crisco has probably become rancid. Open a package and see if it smells like rancid oil. Since Crisco packaged as sticks are not air-tight, they are almost certainly not healthy to consume.

    The next time you buy Crisco for food storage purposes. pack it tightly in a canning jar, cover with a lid, and then use a Food Saver vacuum sealer to vacuum out all the air/oxygen in the jar. You can do this using a jar sealer attachment.

  5. So, if I store my unopened can of Crisco in the ‘fridge, will that extend the two-year period of time in which the product is still good to use? And if so, for how much longer will the product be good?

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