Reconstituting Dehydrated Foods

I give classes at church on Preparedness and have been asked not only by them, but from friends that haven’t done any food dehydrating. How do you reconstitute the food you dry and does it taste and look good.” Some of them have never tasted any of their freeze dried food they have in storage, so that is why we encourage them to buy small packages of freeze-dried food and try it. Not only to see if you like the taste but how to fix it when an emergency arises.

Here is a list of items and what they yield after reconstitution. Of course, this list is not complete, but once you try some of these you can experiment with your own product. Prepping is not easy and no one (not even my husband) will ever know everything they need to know. Each situation and place is different. So your best bit is to practice and practice some more.

  • Dried food                              Amount                       Water                                       Yields
  • Apple slices                            1 cup                           11/2 cups                                3 cups
  • Apricot slices                          1cup                            2 cups                                     11/2 cups
  • Beets                                      1 cup                           3 cups                                     21/2 cups
  • Bell Peppers                           1 cup                           11/2 cups                                2 cups
  • Buttermilk                               1 cup                           11/2 cups                                 21/2 cups
  • Cabbage                                 1 cup                           21/2 cups                                2 cups
  • Carrots                                    1 cup                           2 cups                                     2 cups
  • Celery                                      1 cup                           1 cup                                      2 cups
  • Cheese                                    1 cup                           1/3 cup                                   2/3 cup
  • Corn (Sweet)                           1 cup                           3 cups                                     2 cups
  • Dates                                       1 cup                           1 cups                                    11/3 cup
  • Fruit Blend                              1 cup                           11/2 cups                                11/2 cups
  • Gelatin                                    1 cup                           4 cups                                     4 cups
  • Green Beans                           1 cup                           2 cups                                    2 cups
  • Green onions                          ½ cup                          1 cup                                      1 cup
  • Margarine                               1 cut                            2 tbsp                                      ¾ cup
  • Milk                                         1 cup                           4 cups                                     4 cups
  • Onions                                    1 cup                           1 cup                                       11/2 cups
  • Onions (Minced)                     1 cup                           11/2 cups                                 2 cups
  • Peach Slices                           1 cup                           2 cups                                      2 cups
  • Peanut Butter                          5 tbsp.                        4 t. oil+1/3 t. salt                       ½ cup
  • Peas                                        1 cup                          11/2 cups                                 21/2 cups
  • Potato Dices                           1 cup                           3 cups                                      2 cups
  • Potato Granules                     1 cup                           5 cups                                      5 cups
  • Potato Sliced                          1 cup                           2 cups                                      1 cup
  • Sour Cream                            1 cup                           6 tbsp                                       ¾ cups
  • Spinach Flakes                       1 cup                           11/2 cups                                 1 cup
  • Tomato Powder                      1 cup                           11/2 cups                                  13/4 cups
See also  Mason Jars, 20 Different Ways to Use Them

It has been my experience that vegetables rehydrate better with boiling water and fruit warm water.  Don’t rush it give it a chance to soak.

As always, we welcome your questions and comments

Preparedness Mom

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10 thoughts on “Reconstituting Dehydrated Foods”

  1. I’m a 62 year old, disabled grandmother. I have been a country cook all my life, but have never done any canning and preserving. I have become addicted to the “PREPPING” thing. Because I am on a very small income, I know that there is no way I will ever have a huge larder of survival foods and items. But I can at least start. I bought a nice dehydrator and have been busy, busy, busy drying veggies and making up meals in a jar. In 3 months I have put up 12 complete meals in a jar and 4 jars of veggies. (Zucchini/Yellow Squash, bell peppers, spring onions/onion green tops, and mixed veggies) Today I did tomatoes. I made 8 quarts of tomato sauce and 12 trays of dehydrated tomato slices. I will be chopping some of them and putting them in a jar and the rest I will grind for tomato powder. Thanks for the list on re-hydrating. I’m still learning and every little bit of information is greatly appreciated.
    Just call me the Flower Child Granny…. {:0)

    1. I just turned 64. I am from the country too. I did a little canning in my younger years, but since I am older and on disability, I am “prepping” too in order to make my food last longer. I prefer to dehydrate my food. It takes up less space. And I will soon have to move to a smaller place. Presently I have started a small garden of the vegetables that I like…hoping they do well. Thank you for your comment. It edged me into relying to you. Have a good day.

  2. We have been practicing w/ dehydrated foods in soups , casseroles, one pot meal ect,, however we find the flavors to be extra sweet, as opposed to fresh. any tips or hints to offset this

    1. Prepardness Mom

      HN, in order to answer your question, I have to know the brand of food you are using and what types of food it is? I have not found it to be sweet but some are salty. Let us know so we can help you figure it out.

  3. LOVE the list! thank you, thank you! would other powders (beet, sweet potato, etc,) give about the same yield as the tomato powder? how much tomato powder and water would be needed to replace/make a 6oz. can of tomato paste? thank you!

    1. Prepardness Mom

      I saw a chart once for this and I think it’s 1/4 cup tomato powder+ 1/2 cup water.
      Makes 6oz or 3/4 cup tomato paste. You may have to experiment with this. Let us know what happens. Thanks

  4. This is such amazing information! Do you know if these foods would rehydrate alright by soaking in cold water for some hours? I am going to backpack for 6 weeks without a stove and hoping to find some healthy solutions. Thank you for reading!

  5. I don’t use microwaves and in an emergency they probably won’t be available. For the majority of your dinner entrees I would need to use boiling water? Are there directions on every packet of preparedness foods? Thanks

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