Dollar Store Preps can be a Bargain

dollar store preps

I don’t like to shop, but my wife dragged me into a dollar store the other day.  So since I was already there I decided to amuse myself by making a list of all the different items that were being sold that could be used for preps. The list of Dollar store preps I found was very surprising.  They had a lot of bargains and a lot of useless junk.  If you shop carefully you can find a large number of items that are worth stocking.

Here is the list of Dollar Store preps

      • Assorted hard candy
      • Scotch tape
      • Glo sticks, they could be used for markers at night
      • Paper plates and bowls
      • Mailing tape
      • Pens and pencils
      • Multi purposes lighters
      • Candles of all types and sizes.
      • Plastic buckets
      • Two stroke 50 to 1 oil for use in two stroke engines
      • Flashlights
      • Brake fluid
      • Screw drivers
      • Duct tape
      • Light blubs
      • Bleach, the bottles I saw were scented, so not to be used for water treatment, but good for disinfectant.
      • Gloves
      • Batteries
      • Laundry soap
      • Vaseline
      • Pocket first aid kits
      • Baby lotions and powder
      • Socks
      • Plastic laundry baskets, great for gathering the produce from your garden
      • Shampoo
      • Hand soap
      • Anti bacterial wipes
      • Cough drops
      • Anti itch cream
      • Hydrocortisone cream a generic brand of the same stuff my wife paid $6.99 for at a different store.
      • Athlete’s foot clotrimazole cream, my wife bought this same product for $10.99 in another store in a much smaller tube.
      • Triple antibiotic ointment similar to Neosporin
      • Oral analgesic gel
      • Razor blades
      • feminine products
      • Cotton balls
      • Q tips
      • Band-Aids
      • Toothbrushes
      • Dental floss
      • Toothpaste
      • Plastic containers of many different sizes
      • A large selection of various canned foods including, vegetables, fish and meats.
      • Various other package and dry foods
      •  Bottled water
      • Cleaning products
      • Can openers
      • Kitchen utensils
      • Sun glasses
      • Reading glasses,  I have used these for years
See also  Evaporated and Condensed Milk

Now a couple of words of warning when you shop for Dollar Store preps, there can be a few traps.  I noticed that some of their products like duct tape, toilet paper and aluminum foil came in smaller than normal packaging.  These may not be the best buys. There are many good low priced items, but you need to be careful.

Next time you are near one go take a look at the Dollar Store preps, you might save yourself some money.


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