Making Scrapple and Sausage
This is a recipe that will come in handy when things are tough. Since we will be trying to use everything we have and not waste anything. The following is a recipe that I found …
This is a recipe that will come in handy when things are tough. Since we will be trying to use everything we have and not waste anything. The following is a recipe that I found …
Lately I have been looking at many jerky recipes, most of the new ones use complicated flavored marinates and some form of cooking or refrigeration. Many of the recipes tell you to dunk the meat …
How many of use remember how to cook all the different grains we have stored. Of course, if you use the grains all the time it’s easy. But if you only use them once in …
Earlier today, I received the following question on beans, it was in a comment on a post about bean flours. I think it may be of interest to many of you. The question is “Can …
[/caption] The other day my wife was given a large amount of pig fat to render. She chose to use her crock-pot, but you could do it over an open fire without any problems. …
Using a steam juicer and a Squeezo [/caption] A friend gave me about 20 pounds of apples that were ripe and ready to be preserved. So yesterday, we decided to run them through a steam …
Making Apple Juice and Apple Sauce from the Same Apples Read More »
Try the following recipe for making bread in a Wonder Oven (a heat retention cooker). See for directions on how to make one. Start with your favorite bread recipe. Mix up the dough, and let it …
Yeast is an item that does not store well. Even in a freezer you are limited to just a couple of years. As a result, I have been researching the alternatives. During the pioneer days …
Today I was reading a book on camping written in 1877. It discussed food and showed a suggested quantity of food for two men for one week camping and hiking. Ten pounds of pilot-bread …
With summer coming, it’s going to be great cooking in a Wonder Box. No heat from a stove to worry about. Here are a couple more recipes for you to try. I haven’t tried this …