The other day my wife purchased some 25lb bags of split peas from Winco. They were reasonably priced at about $12.00 a bag. Since we wanted them for long term storage, I decided to can them in #10 cans.
I am going to walk you through the canning process. The cans, lids and oxygen absorbers were purchased through our local LDS cannery. When you purchase your oxygen absorbers you need to buy an oxygen absorber bag clip. They are used to reseal the oxygen absorber bags. They will not seal the bag for extended periods (see previous post on testing oxygen absorbers). For those of you who prefer to purchase from another source or who do not have a cannery near them, you can find the canning materials on the internet.
Canning Process
My canning machine is an older hand crank machine that I have had for about 30 years. I started by filling the cans with split peas, leaving a little room at the top for the oxygen absorber.
Oxygen absorbers

For those of you who are unfamiliar with oxygen absorbers, they are a small bag filled with iron powder and a salt mixture. When they are exposed to air they immediately start to rust. Rust is a form of oxidation and consumes oxygen. The oxidation will remove all the oxygen from a #10 can. The oxygen absorbers come in a Mylar bag and have to be protected from exposure to air. This is where the bag clips come in.
Once the can is full of split peas I placed an oxygen absorber directly on top of the product and set the can lid on loosely. The can is then set onto the canning machine and raised into place. Now simply turn the hand crank until the can is sealed. The oxygen absorber in contact with the food will not cause a problem, but do not eat it.
Thanks so much for having a great blog – it’s very helpful. While I’m not a prepper I do my best to be a good housewife and saw your post on dry pack canning. Where would someone find the cans and lids for this process? Many thanks. OnlyMe
I have been buying them at the LDS (Mormon) Cannery in my area. Check to see if there is one in your area. You can also find sources on the internet.
I have been trying to buy #10 cans and lids for a canning project at church. We have the dry pack canner, however when I called our local LDS storehouse, I was informed that the church no longer sells the cans, not even from Salt Lake. Do you know of any other source?
This is just a tip about the canning procedure- I think it is best to put the o2 obsorber in first put the product on top of it and the seal the can, when you take the can off the machine flip it over now the o2 obs. is on the top. You will find that when the can is opened the replacement plastic lid will fit alot better.
cost for these cans
About $1 for the can, lid and O2 absorber
Please help me! We just found out the Bishop’s Storehouses in the east will no longer be carrying the #10 cans and lids. Where can we get them. I live in NC.
The LDS food storehouses no longer have the cans or machines. where can I buy cans and a machine?
gering and sons idaho
where can I find a machine to buy and the cans to do my own canning?
We own a canner sealer as well as a reflanger. We used to get our cans and lids from our local lds Cannery. Well as you might know they don’t do that anymore so we are stuck with no way to use our expensive equipment.
We were wondering if you might know of a source for these #10 cans? We live in Middle Tennessee and could drive a short distance if necessary to pick them up. Or if shipping isn’t outrageous.
THank you for you help and I hope to hear from you soon.
Janice Maples
As of 2020, post-COVID-19 I am only aware of two sources for #10 cans. Delivery takes about a month and they’ve really raised their prices –
The LDS places still sell the plastic lids. I got my canner in eBay.
Thanks for that info!
Could used #10 cans be reused for dry pack canning?
Yes, as long as they aren’t dented and the seam is intact.
with a trimming and flanger machine